
The disgraceful, anti-American violence at our nation's Capitol struck at the heart of our republic. We will always condemn violence and its perpetrators regardless of who they voted for. 

Now, at a time when our nation is more divided than ever, the Democratic elected officials are leading a shameful act of political retribution against President Donald Trump that will only further divide us as Americans. 

Democrats have been obsessed with impeaching President Trump since before he took office. This latest effort prioritizes condemning, embarrassing and canceling the 75 million Americans who voted voted for President Trump above bringing justice to the mob that broke away from peaceful protestors on January 6. 

The founders carved out this authority to remove a sitting president based on extraordinary circumstances, not for political gain. ACU Foundation, through the Legislative Center for Accountability, will score against this vote to ensure that any future impeachment vote is exercised appropriately. 

Please read below for a statement from Chairman Matt Schlapp. 

In Freedom,
Dan Schneider
Executive Director 
Watch the latest from Matt Schlapp here
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