Dear John,
The insurrectionist mob may have left the halls of the Capitol, but its treacherous ideology is alive and well and festering across the nation.
What many hoped was a fringe movement arrived at the Capitol in throngs to overrule our democratic ideals and institutions.
But we will not be intimidated. We will not allow violence to threaten our democratic values. As we face the threat of more destructive uprisings in the last days of the Trump administration, CSGV is committed to preventing the subversion of the democratic process. Please make a contribution to help us fight this very real threat.
The domestic terrorism that our nation experienced has been simmering for decades as the National Rifle Association and the gun lobby shamelessly promoted the philosophy of insurrectionism -- using individual, private gun ownership to intimidate and thwart public policy. Racist groups and militias have been organizing underground, emboldened by NRA rhetoric, and legitimized by Donald Trump.
The evidence is clear: The violent insurrectionist ideology endorsed by Donald Trump is his administration's most dangerous legacy.
We stood up to insurrectionists as the movement escalated leading up to November’s elections by providing legislators with tools to help ban the open carry of weapons in public and preventing guns at polling places.
We reissue the call for this legislation with renewed urgency and demand that the essential functions of government be protected by banning guns from state government buildings and polling places. We MUST allow people to debate our policy in the people’s houses, free of intimidation or fear.
We will not be deterred. We will continue our fight to prevent the armed intimidation of the American electorate and lawmakers. We know that the majority of Americans do not believe in mob rule. We will not allow the din of hate, fear, and intimidation to drown out our call for a political process free from violence.
Please make a gift now to support CSGV’s fight against the dangerous ideology of insurrectionism today and in the months to come.
We need your support to combat this threat!
In solidarity,
Josh Horwitz
Executive Director