21 reasons we need population stabilization in 2021

The most abysmal year in recent memory has finally come to an end. Though the new year has had a rocky start, we’re feeling optimistic about the future as we welcome a new presidential administration, a new Congress, and the COVID-19 vaccine. We’re expecting to see a renewed commitment to programs that will help to achieve global population stabilization—so that we can tackle the 21 global challenges outlined in our latest blog post. Read it at the link below!
PopEd’s winter theme: global connections
From the products we consume to the places where we settle, few things occur in isolation on our interconnected planet. Understanding the global ties that underpin our lives is critical to solving today’s challenges and charting the planet’s sustainable path forward. PopEd’s winter theme will help students understand the ways we are all connected, using lesson plans, student readings, interactive media, and more. Learn more on PopEd’s website.
8 Billion Angels film screening and panel discussion
We are excited to kick off our schedule of 2021 member events by streaming the new documentary 8 Billion Angels, followed by an interactive panel discussion. This award-winning film explores the impacts of unsustainable population growth on our governments, communities, and individuals—and offers solutions and hope for the future. 8 Billion Angels will be available to screen on-demand from January 28th to February 2nd, and the panel discussion will take place on February 2nd at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT. You can join us for this exciting event by registering at the link below!