We just did a quick sweep through of the entries submitted for our 2021 Priorities Survey, but we didn’t happen to see your name on the list yet?
Maybe this email fell to the bottom of your inbox, and in that case, we wanted to be certain you had every opportunity to fill out the Senator’s 2021 Priorities Survey. We’ll be submitting the final names and answers to the Senator in just a few days, and we wanted him to know that you are still on his team helping push our agenda forward.
This survey will help our team gauge where you stand and where you would like Senator Cornyn to turn his focus toward this Congress. We really hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to directly communicate YOUR values to the Senator.
With the Far Left having control of the Senate, House, and Presidency, it’s more necessary than ever that we KNOW where you stand.
-- Team Cornyn
![]() Friend, Just days ago, we watched as our Conservative Majority became the Conservative Minority.
We lost two CRUCIAL races in Georgia that have now put us into a position where our Conservative values have been pushed to the backburner as Far-Left and Radical policies will take control in the White House, the House, and now, the Senate.
As we walk into this new year, I want to take a quick moment to re-evaluate OUR priorities and political values. We need to be on the same page.
As I fight to regain our footing, I need YOUR advice on what matters most to conservatives like you.
Friend, as a critical member of our team, it’s all essential we hear directly from YOU.
As a new Administration steps into place, we need to know where OUR focus needs to be and how we can best aid YOU. Paid for by Texans for Senator John Cornyn This email was sent to [email protected]. With you on board, we’re one step closer to keeping Texas red and fighting to create a future we can all be proud of. On behalf of all of us, we’re glad you’re on board. Now that you’re on Team Cornyn, make sure that you’re keeping up to date with the latest news. The best way to do so? Following our campaign on Facebook and Twitter – that way you’ll always be the first to know when something important comes up. Now, if you’re still reading this, we know you’re really ready to stand up and protect Texas. To aid your fight, we suggest you turn this song up on full volume and do anything you can to help stop the dangerous policies being pedaled by the left to oppose our president and replace our conservative Texas values. Once you’re pumped up and ready to go, head over to our volunteer page and find out exactly how you can help. We’d be proud to have you join us. Thank you for all you do to support John Cornyn for Senate. Don’t want to receive additional updates? Click here to unsubscribe... But we’d rather you stick around. Together, we can protect this great state we know and love, and promote a safe, prosperous, and healthy Texas. Contributions to Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc. are not tax deductible. ![]() |