A new VAWA must be a better VAWA. Here's how. Email not displaying correctly?
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January 15, 2021

Dear John,

The first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration will be filled with the needs of a traumatized nation trying to end and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, from political terror and from racial injustice–on top of an economic catastrophe that has hit women and families of color hardest.

We must pass the Violence Against Women Act to help meet these challenges. 

President-elect Biden and Vice-President Harris have rightfully put this lifesaving legislation at the center of their agenda for women and children. We worked with then-Senator Biden to craft the original 1994 VAWA. A new VAWA must also be a better VAWA, that finally centers the needs of Black, Indigenous and women of color. 

We are calling on the new administration to make a bold $1 billion annual investment in VAWA, that will prioritize  prevention, health and economic opportunity and justice. A new VAWA must also finally close the “boyfriend loophole,” which will limit the ability of convicted stalkers and abusers to obtain guns, used in the majority of domestic homicides.

VAWA has been stalled in the Senate for nearly two years, holding up urgently needed support. Join us and get VAWA done, and let’s quickly get help to the millions of women who have been on the frontlines during this pandemic, often at great costs to themselves and their children.  

Please stand up for women and for justice by supporting FUTURES today. Your donation will help FUTURES get the job done.

With gratitude,

Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President



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