January 2021
Identity Youth Ambassador shares information with peers about COVID-19 safety, food and other safety net services available to low income families.

Youth Learn, Earn, and Spread Lifesaving Messages 

At the end of 2020 and into the new year, Identity trained and deployed 72 teens and young adults as Safety Ambassadors, who completed 40 hours of training on COVID-19 safety protocols, contact tracing, and workforce certifications like HIPAA.  Then they put their skills into practice, working 100 hours sharing information about health, food, and other safety-net resources with isolated friends and neighbors. Read more...  

 Back to the Bubbles in the New Year

Study Bubbles are proving to be bright lights in an otherwise dim school year for 30 teens struggling to learn virtually. As the winter semester begins, Wellness Center staff are back to supervise the students working independently (and together at safe distances) at two Gaithersburg rec centers - with lots of social-emotional support along the way. Read more...
Call For Action  
Diego Uriburu and Byron Johns, Co-Founders of the Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence challenge Montgomery County residents to demand concrete steps to get MCPS students back on track in this Op-ed in Bethesda Beat. Read more...
We Won't Let Up: 
Identity's COVID Response

Because the virus has devastated our client community of Black and Brown families who have lost jobs, become ill, and are dying, Identity is responding with unprecedented safety net support, caring human connections, and actively staving of hunger, homelessness, and despair.  Read about our rapid response to COVID-19 from March to December.  Read more...
MLK Day Drives for Identity Youth 

Mil Gracias to B'nai Israel Congregation in Bethesda and Citizen Heights Church in Tenleytown for holding donation drives for Identity youth and families around MLK Day. Citizen Heights members are preparing family self-care gift baskets and B'nai Israel members are collecting supplies for Study Bubble students. We are honored!

ICYMI FY20 Annual Report

In case you missed it, read our FY20 Annual Report, which tells the story of a year upended by the pandemic and an overdue spotlight on racial justice -- and bookended by an extraordinary outpouring of care and support. For a deeper dive, also check out our FY20 Evaluation Report
Pandemic tax benefits for donors:  non-itemizers can deduct up to $300 in charitable donations in 2021 as part of the CARES Act. Couples filing jointly can deduct up to $600. 
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