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Friday, January 15th, 2021

The Rise of Fascism, Loss of Freedom of Choice, & Dietary Supplements

Bill Sardi

Riots and the Concept of the Physical

Tim Hartnett

Surviving Tech Purges: What We’re Doing at the Mises Institute

Jeff Deist

Alert: The Operation To Squash Protests in America

Jon Rappoport

A Flawed Impeachment for ‘Incitement’

Walter E. Block

Big Tech’s Purge Is Only Beginning… For Them

Thomas Luongo

9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail

Pepe Escobar

Is The USPS Creating a National Biometric Criminal Background Check Program?


Is the Establishment Planning a False Flag ‘Insurrection’ for Inauguration Day?

Paul Craig Roberts

‘Italia Cashless’

Claudio Grass

Saddest Mustang Shootout Ever?

Eric Peters

Welcome to the Gulag of 2021

The aftermath of the January 6 Stop the Steal Rally. Boyd D. Cathey

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