Dear John,
We are once again in a moment of crisis, but this one is like none other because it is aimed squarely at our democracy itself. We must take action to rid and safeguard our democracy against the kind of violent and racist extremism that has taken hold of political power across the country and at the highest level of elected office.
The good news in this dark time is that we have a bill – HF89 – co-authored by Reps. Steve Elkins and Heather Keeler that has just been introduced today in the House State Government Finance and Elections Committee! This timely bill adopts RCV for legislative, statewide and federal elections, including for president and allows localities to adopt RCV if they choose.
HF 89 takes direct aim at political extremism by requiring candidates to build broad, inclusive majority coalitions to win. Winning with just a small base, and governing to that base, is not possible under RCV.
There is large and growing support for the bill in the House, and a growing understanding of the critical need for electoral reforms to strengthen our democracy. Please contact your legislators and urge them to support this critical reform.
How is it that we ended up here in the first place?
How has our current system failed us? The extremist tendencies and political polarization of our current system – relentlessly exacerbated by President Trump – has eroded our nation’s democratic norms and institutions, resulting in a deeply polarized electorate and empowering extreme factions like white supremacists. Our political system, while not the cause of racist and violent extremism, has allowed it to flourish.
Our winner-take-all plurality election system not only allows, but encourages candidates to run and win with a small base of voters and without securing broad majority support. Many leaders take office solely representing their base and ignoring the demands of most Americans. It perpetuates minority rule and negative politics. Extremism and gridlock are the result.
Secondly, many political districts have become so uncompetitive, by design (gerrymandering) or by demographics, that candidates on the political fringe can easily and safely win without competition. This has allowed many legislators at the state and federal level to take office unaccountable to the broader public and obstruct progress on legislation majorities of voters are demanding.
How Ranked Choice Voting mitigates extremism
Ranked Choice Voting, in conjunction with other electoral reforms, can serve as a xxxxxx against extremism. This simple but powerful election reform requires winning candidates to earn support from a majority of voters which in turn, requires them to reach beyond their base and build broad, inclusive coalitions of support. More broadly accountable candidates make for more responsive officeholders, and the outcome more accurately reflects the will of the voters. If combined with multi-member districts, RCV can create more competitive districts as well.
Moreover, RCV eliminates spoiler dynamics, giving new voices a real opportunity to compete for votes and preventing the corrupt shenanigans we saw in 2020 when one major party ran candidates on the Marijuana Party ticket to peel votes away from candidates in the other major party.
Extremists are present in all systems and countries but they are unlikely to wield the kind of political power they do in the U.S. under systems that promote majority rule and multiple parties like RCV. Candidates who engage in negative, specious attacks on their opponent are less successful under RCV because they need to earn both first and second choice votes. Moreover, voters can express their broad spectrum of views and can be more fully engaged and represented. The zero sum game of the current system feeds an us vs. them mentality that is dangerous and anti-democratic. Perhaps most importantly, given the symbols of white supremacy present and touted by the mob that attacked the Capitol, RCV opens up our system to new and diverse voices and leads to better electoral outcomes for women and people of color. It is incumbent on all of us to reform our system so that historically excluded voices have a seat at the table.
Now is the time for bold action
Democracy reform is our state and our nation’s highest priority and now is the time for your voice. Please take immediate action by contacting your legislators and urging them to support Ranked Choice Voting (HF 89) when it comes to them for a vote this session!
It is also critical that we spread the word across Minnesota and the fastest way to do that is letters in local newspapers statewide! Will you write a letter to your local paper sharing why RCV is important to you and why our state needs this reform now? Email [email protected], and he can get you started.
Stay tuned for future events we will be hosting across the state to discuss democracy reform in this moment of crisis.
At FairVote Minnesota, we are committed to building a stronger, more inclusive and representative democracy and one that is fortified against extremists of all types now and into the future.
Jeanne Massey
Executive Director
