Breaking news: Minnesota is becoming a Midwest leader on clean transportation.

Governor Walz announces 'Clean Cars Minnesota'

Minnesota will become the first Midwest state to adopt standards to significantly reduce carbon pollution from transportation. Fresh Energy applauds the Governor on this bold move, which will benefit all Minnesotans.
Clif Bar’s new solar project has Minnesota, Fresh Energy connections

Minnesota leadership on pollinator-friendly solar has inspired a new project at Clif Bar’s Idaho bakery. 

J. Drake Hamilton: "Now's the time to embrace climate solutions"

Our science policy director J. Drake Hamilton has been very busy since her return to work, addressing national and global live audiences of more than 4,000 people. See what else J.'s been up to and why she considers herself a "victim of climate change" in this special interview piece.

Janiece and Alan buy a used electric car... on Craig's List!

Buying a pre-owned car is no walk in the park. From sorting through options to contacting sellers, the process isn't easy. Janiece Watts, our policy associate, recently bought her first pre-owned electric car with her partner Alan. Learn how they did it and what tips they'd share with other first-timers.
October 15 | The Legal and Scientific Case for Recovering Climate Change Damages in Minnesota from Fossil Fuel Companies
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