Hi John,
Like President Trump, I don't condone violence against anyone! I also don't condone the Democrats abusing the tragedy to exact political revenge on anyone that disagrees with them.
The Democrats like Pelosi and AOC, I expect this from them. They are more at home with Vladimir Lenin than Ronald Reagan.
But Republicans like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitt Romney make me sick.
They would really rather sip wine with their Socialist Soy-boy buddies on Capitol Hill than listen to the voters who sent them there.
These clowns don't just disagree with their base. They actively loathe their own voter base!
The Surrender Caucus hates Trump because he hates the people Trump represents, the people Trump fights for. Those people.... that's us!
And the Surrender Caucus couldn't despise us more. I think it's time to send these Swampers packing!
President Trump never surrendered to the Swamp. That's why they are trying so hard to bring him down.
Imagine this: The establishment Republicans would rather spend precious time trying to impeach a President who is leaving office in a week, than fix a bad bill that gave foreign countries too much, and the American people suffering from COVID lockdowns, too little!
Drain the DC Swamp PAC is the anti-Lincoln Project. We don't surrender to Democrats, we fight them. We don't turn our backs on the President, we back him up!
We need your help to make the weak Republicans feel the heat- defeat them in 2022 and make examples of them!
The President is fighting. We need more of him. Help us push forward and fight for America!
Folks, when a barn is rotten the best thing is to burn it down & rebuild. We must begin a RECKONING with Domestic Enemies of our Constitution! Then we can RESTORE the Founders Original Intent & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Last time I checked, Wyoming was All-American & flat out CONSERVATIVE! Who does Liz Cheney think she is? We need to remind her the VOTERS decide in 2022.
Christopher Ekstrom