Policy Update

AEE released the following reaction to Governor Gavin Newsom's proposed budget for the state of California. The remarks come from Amisha Rai, managing director at Advanced Energy Economy: "AEE looks forward to working with the Governor and the Legislature on a budget that accelerates economic recovery and gets Californians back to work. The Governor has outlined a strong investment plan to support California's advanced energy and clean transportation industry." Continue reading the press release here. >
on the blog
Over the past several months, our Indiana team has been intervening in a proceeding before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) to examine Duke Energy Indiana’s coal self-commitment practices. Self-commitment refers to a process by which a utility instructs the regional market within which it operates – in this case, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) – to dispatch the utility’s own resource unit regardless of whether or not it is the cheapest available at the time. Many vertically integrated utilities have been using this mechanism to run their expensive coal plants more frequently than economics would otherwise dictate. They do this because it is not their shareholders who suffer financial losses, but rather their captive ratepayers: When the cost to operate these units exceeds the market clearing price, utilities pass along the difference to customers, in part through fuel adjustment clause proceedings. AEE is working to curb this self-serving utility practice. Continue reading on the blog. >
AEE Webinars
Live on Wednesday, January 27, at 2pm ET/1pm CT

With construction of a Tesla factory outside Austin underway, Texas is guaranteed a central place in the transition to electric transportation. But it turns out there are already 7,000 Texans working in electric transportation-related business, and more than 400,000 workers and 5,000 Texas companies are in “adjacent” industries and occupations that stand to grow as transportation in the United States goes electric. Drawing on the new report, “Electric Transportation Supply Chain in Texas,” prepared by BW Research Partnership for the Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance, this webinar, presented by TAEBA and AEE, will look at the opportunities in Texas and other states to enter the auto, truck, and bus industry as it converts from gasoline and diesel to electric power.
Suzanne Bertin, Managing Director, Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance
Phil Jordan, Vice President, and Principal, BW Research Partnership
Sara Rafalson, Senior Director, Market Development, EVgo

Featured online events
Register on January 29 for a webinar with U.S. Representative Sean Casten, hosted by the Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy. As President-elect Biden takes office, what will Congressional leaders and the Biden Administration propose for climate action, and what will this Congress be able to enact? Special guest speaker U.S. Representative Sean Casten (IL-06) brings the perspective of scientist, clean energy entrepreneur, and member of Congress to the discussion of the best and most likely path forward for Congressional Energy Policy. Register today >
Join nationally recognized policymakers and energy thought-leaders at ESA’s virtual Energy Storage Policy Forum – February 3-4. Register now with the code AEEPF20 for 5% off. (Available to AEE Members who are not ESA Members.)

Join the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance for the region’s premier energy efficiency event. MES 2021 will go beyond a typical online conference, giving you an experience to keep you connected, expand your EE knowledge and facilitate important business opportunities. Register today >
P.S. Learn more about joining Advanced Energy Economy to gain insight, influence, and determine energy policy risks and opportunities by exploring our website or contacting us here.