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 News of the Week

The Long, Weird History of Trump’s Golf Course in the Bronx
The city is moving to kill the contract under which the president’s company operates a golf course built atop a landfill.

Mayoral Hopefuls Issue Competing Climate Plans
The early attention suggests a new urgency around climate resiliency eight years after Superstorm Sandy’s toll.

NYC to Cancel Contracts with Trump Organization, Citing Capitol Insurrection
The city will start the process of terminating the company’s contracts to operate the Central Park Carousel, Wollman and Lasker ice skating rinks and the Ferry Point Golf Course in the Bronx.

Cuomo’s 2021 Agenda Should Focus on Looming Evictions Crisis, Housing Advocates Say
In his Monday speech, Cuomo spoke vaguely about providing resources to tenants and small landlords. He made specific reference only to his proposal to outlaw fees on overdue rent—which does not address the overdue rent itself.

Andrew Yang Brings His Movement to New York’s Race for Mayor
The tech entrepreneur and former presidential candidate promises a ‘fact-based’ government and universal income.

Bronx Families Face Greatest Barriers to ‘Well-Being’ Across New York’s Counties, Report Finds


Max & Murphy on the Issues:

In this new video series, City Limits and Gotham Gazette team up to tackle the most pressing issues candidates will be facing during the 2021 Elections in New York City.

In episode 1, Jarrett Murphy and Ben Max break down the sprawling issues of crime, punishment and fairness that have dogged the de Blasio administration and await the next mayor.

The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

Let us keep you up to date on all the accelerating 2021 races in NYC.


Una Ciudad sin Límites

La huelga de hambre continúa en la cárcel del condado de Hudson
Tanto los grupos de defensores de detenidos en ICE como abogados de los inmigrantes en huelga de hambre detenidos en las cárceles de Nueva Jersey alegan que los detenidos están siendo castigados por negarse a comer.

¿Cómo llegamos a este punto de la invasión del Capitolio de los Estados Unidos?

El pasado 6 de enero una turba violenta de manifestantes atacaron y entraron al Capitolio de los Estados Unidos así que ¿qué fue esto?

Lo que necesita saber: problemas con la calefacción y/o agua caliente en Nueva York

Existe una norma desde 1997 y fue creada para que los propietarios de edificios proporcionen calefacción y agua caliente a sus inquilinos.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Any Plan to Convert Empty Offices to Housing Must Center Inclusivity, Affordability
‘It’s clear that New York City is going to face changes in how—and where—people live and work. However, any program to convert empty office spaces and hotels to housing must be considered from both sides.’

Opinion: NYC Must Consider the Racial Impacts of its Land Use Decisions
‘Many communities throughout New York City have seen major land use actions that have exacerbated rather than worked to alleviate displacement pressures, oftentimes in low-income communities of color.‘

Opinion: As NYCHA Rolls Out PACT Plan to Fund Repairs, Resident Engagement is Key
‘Engagement is the foundation for reversing a historical backlog of distrust that is stalling the agency’s current efforts not only to restore its portfolio to a state of good repair but reinvent itself in a way that better serves tenants in the future.‘

Opinion: Top-Down Comprehensive Planning Will Further Empower Those on Top
‘Upon close examination, the speaker’s proposal falls short and leaves the door wide open for the continuation of City Planning’s top-down, developer-driven rezonings by offering them a new shroud of legitimacy: a comprehensive plan engineered by city officials that fast-tracks rezonings.’

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