
The events at the Capitol last week have made this clear: President Trump is a danger to our country and every day he remains in office threatens our national security.

Trump directed an angry mob of his supporters to "walk down to the Capitol" and "fight like hell." His words and actions incited a violent, seditious mob of white nationalists, militia members, and other Trump enthusiasts calling themselves "patriots," to storm the Capitol and assault police, as they hunted for us, vandalized the building, and threatened to hang Vice President Pence. They were told that they must fight to save the country, and they followed the president's orders.

This has shaken our nation to its core. The scenes we witnessed in real time that day, and far more disturbing ones that surfaced later, are horrifying. This was a brazen attack by our president on his own government, and a last ditch effort to overturn the results of a free and fair election when every other corrupt effort had failed. When others implored him to speak out and stop the violence, he delayed, finally made an anemic, disingenuous plea to stop the violence... and then said he loved them and continued to spread the big lie that the election was rigged. His words are poisoning minds, and fomenting hatred and violence.

Every day Donald Trump is in office brings danger. He was asked to resign and did not. The Vice President was asked to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from power and did not. That's why I joined a bipartisan majority of representatives yesterday and voted to impeach President Trump for incitement of insurrection.

Every day that Trump remains in the White House is an opportunity for him to fan the flames of division and incite violence. He has repeatedly shown that he is ready to burn the place down on his way out the door. We cannot afford to wait until Inauguration Day to remove him from office.

This is not about partisan politics. It is about safeguarding our democracy and protecting lives. His actions have destabilized the country and made us more vulnerable to our adversaries around the world. He has deliberately failed at the most fundamental part of his job -- protecting the nation.

If we are going to protect our democracy, we must remove Trump from office as swiftly as possible. That is why I voted to impeach, and I hope the Senate votes to remove Donald Trump immediately.

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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Issaquah, WA 98027

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