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Dear Ministry Friends,
As spiritual teachers and faith leaders, we are all asking the same question: How do I stay on the pulse of what’s meaningful to the communities I serve, whether they look like a traditional ‘church’ or not? At San Francisco Theological Seminary, our Doctor of Ministry program brings together scholar-practitioners from a wide variety of active ministries to learn, explore and envision creative approaches to ministry, spiritual life and leadership in their faith communities.
At SFTS, we will challenge you to:
- Reflect independently, critically and theologically on the issues in society, mission, and ministry today.
- Build collegial relationships among your peers in ministry.
- Develop innovative approaches to ministry and pastoral care and leadership through interdisciplinary research.
- Engage with our diverse student body and faculty to learn from each other’s social context and diverse experiences and theological world views.
- Foster an intersectional mode of analysis to integrate social justice and spirituality, and gain a deeper understanding of each students’ own community and context for engagement.
- Personalize your learning path with 5 program concentrations and a flexible curriculum.
I am profoundly moved by the quality and depth of care and commitment in our students, the incredible stories they bring from their many contexts, and their vision for fostering creative approaches to the challenges confronting faith communities today. I hope you will join this group and discover new ways to bring vitality to your ministry and community.
In gratitude,
105 Seminary Road
San Anselmo, CA 94960
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