America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

January Rooftop Social

Date: Wednesday, January 20

Time: 6:30 P.M. Start / 10 P.M. End

Where: Location provided to ticket purchasers

Price: $30 (Members Only - Free for Distinguished & Preferred)

*Use your member email as the promo code to get tickets*

Price includes food.

Cash bar available.

Dress warmly. Space heaters will be present.

Temperatures checked at the door.

Get Tickets!

Supporting Officer Brian D. Sicknick’s Family

The New York Young Republican Club is unreservedly committed to our core values of Law and Order. This nation’s law enforcement officers shoulder the burden to enforce this fundamental structure of civilization on a people naturally inclined to disorder and unruliness.

On Wednesday, January 6, US Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick died during an inappropriate, immoral, and illegal incursion into the US Capitol. Officer Sicknick physically engaged with a group of rowdy invaders and sustained injuries from which he later succumbed. Prior to his role with the US Capitol Police, Officer Sicknick served as a staff sergeant with the New Jersey Air National Guard, including on deployment for Operation Enduring Freedom.

Officer Sicknick joins a far-too-large group of law enforcement officers who have been injured protecting property and lives over the past year from disorderly mobs. We mourn each of these officers, and we fully condemn all violent and disorderly protest activity irrespective of the political affiliation of the perpetrators.

The individuals who committed this crime must be identified and subject to full prosecution for their role in Officer Sicknick’s death. The New York Young Republican Club has made a contribution of $250 to Officer Sicknick’s family.

Gavin Wax
New York Young Republican Club

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Support Officer Sicknick's Family

New NYYRC Online Store!

The New York Young Republican Club is pleased to announce the launch of our first ever online store.

We are now selling a variety of branded merchandise to both members and non-members alike.

More products are to come and discounts for the different tiers of membership will become available. 

Check out our store today!

Shop Now!

Board Position Available: Finance Committee Chairperson

The New York Young Republican Club is looking for a new Finance Committee Chairperson.

The chairperson of this committee serves as a voting member of the Club's Board of Governors. We are looking for someone with a passion for both conservative politics and a background in either finance, banking, accounting, or other related fields.

This chairperson reports directly to the Club's Treasurer. 

Applicants must be a current member of the Club in good standing and be willing to commit to at least one board meeting and one Club event per month.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please fill out the application form here and if you qualify we will reach out to set up an interview.

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