From Aakash Naik, Greenpeace <>
Subject Bees
Date January 14, 2021 2:36 PM
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Hi John,

The government has just given the green light for bee-killing pesticides to be sprayed in the UK. The pesticide being used has been banned for being poisonous to bees, but it's just been approved to help grow sugar beet in the spring. [1]

This is about bees, but it's also about us. If we keep harming bees, we risk our food supplies. It's estimated that a third of our food is dependent on pollinators, of which bees are some of the most important.[2] A third of bee populations are already shrinking. [3] We can't allow pesticides to destroy our environment and kill any more bees.

Can you quickly sign this petition urging the Environment secretary to enforce a total ban on bee-killing pesticides?

Sign the petition: [link removed]

"We cannot afford to put our pollinator populations at risk." [4] These were the words of Michael Gove when he introduced the ban on bee-killing pesticides in 2018.

So what's changed since then? Well, it's certainly not the science. Pesticides, including neonicotinoids, are still bad news for bees. Studies have shown that these pesticides can affect bees' navigational abilities and breeding success, and they are unsurprisingly ravaging other insects as well. [5]

The government are now saying that their reasons for allowing emergency use is to protect growers of sugar beet. But this is a short-sighted and dangerous approach to take, especially when you consider we rely on bees to help pollinate lots of crops like apples, beans, squashes and almonds.

George Eustice has the power to change all of this. We have the opportunity to shift away from chemical-intensive agriculture to organic farming that protects nature. As Environment Minister, he can show he's on the right side of protecting nature by enforcing a total ban on bee-harming pesticides. Can you get the Environment Minister to act now?

Sign the petition: [link removed]

We have the power to make George Eustice act. He's approved this emergency use of a deadly pesticide, but we need to remind him that we're in the middle of a climate and nature emergency.

We can stop this now. If lots of people sign this petition we can pile pressure on the government to quickly reverse its decision and keep bee-killing pesticides away from our environment.

Can you sign this petition so we can get the Environment Minister to act fast?

Sign the petition: [link removed]

Thanks for all that you do,


Greenpeace UK


[1] Government to let farmers use bee-killing pesticide banned in EU: [link removed]

[2] Would we starve without bees?: [link removed]

[3] A third of wild bee and hoverfly species are in decline in Britain: [link removed]

[4] Government breaks promise to maintain ban on bee-harming pesticide: [link removed]

[5] Bees: [link removed]

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