Good afternoon 

Last year, thanks to your efforts, 90 MPs changed their minds on assisted dying. That’s more than one a week. The campaign finished 2020 in an even stronger position than it began - now we need your help to set a clear path to winning law change. 


Together we can keep the pressure up. In November Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health, agreed that the Government has a role in collecting evidence to enhance the ongoing debate on assisted dying. 


This is a great opportunity for the campaign - but I need your help. We know that gathering evidence is a crucial step in persuading MPs that still need convincing about law change, by demonstrating that the current law doesn’t work. 


We need to hold Matt Hancock to his word - and you can help us. Join our first webinars of 2021 next week and make this New Year a new opportunity for change on assisted dying. 


In these webinars, we will support you to meet your MP (online) and lobby them to put pressure on Matt Hancock to collect the evidence that the law needs to change. 


If you’ve emailed or even met with your MP before, it is still important that you attend - this is a crucial strategic moment for the campaign and the sooner we can make this clear to the Government the better. Starting with your MP.


Meeting your MP is the single most important thing you can do for the campaign - find out how you can have the most impact by joining our webinars next week. 


Looking forward to seeing you there! 


All the best, 


Sadie Kempner

Dignity in Dying

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