Even asking the questions is exhausting.
Who’s making the Covid decisions, and why do they change every day? How has the workload doubled? What about the new extremes of micro-management? Which of my co-workers, or their families, or my customers or patients or students are going to get sick?
And why can’t we seem to do anything to stop all this suffering?
The pull to give up, to withdraw, to hunker down and “just survive” is almost irresistible—even for a committed activist like you.
But here we are. We are connecting to one another at work, even if just through images on a screen. We know that others are in the same situation, and we remember that the fight we were already committed to—for decent, dignified work and the power needed to grab it—was always going to be a long and hard haul.
So how do we make it through to the other side of this pandemic, with some semblance of solidarity and sanity?
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