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House Impeaches President Trump with 232-197 Vote – 10 Republicans Join Democrats and Vote in Favor of Impeachment
The RINO traitors are as follows:

Rep. Liz Cheney (WY)
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)
Rep. John Katko (NY)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL)
Rep. Fred Upton (MI) Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA)
Rep. Peter Meijer (MI) Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH) ...

WATCH: Statement From President Trump
Consistent with his previous statement(s), President Trump calls for calm and non-violence unlike his vicious, violent political opponents who have impeached him for their own grotesque crimes against the American people.

President Trump is a ...

ICYMI: Pamela Geller discussing the Conservative Purge on Houston’s Morning New
Conservative Purge – Pamela Geller

From: Houston's Morning News

Listen here:

Listen to “Conservative Purge – Pamela Geller” on Spreaker.

Election Fraud: Texas AG Paxton: San Antonio Election Democrat Arrested for Widespread Vote Harvesting and Fraud

A woman has been arrested in connection to alleged election fraud and illegal voting, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Wednesday.

According to Paxton, Rachel Rodriguez of San Antonio was “exposed in a Project Veritas ...

Rep. Gaetz EXPLODES at Liberal Hypocrites
Well done. RINOs destined for the dustbin of history take note.

Matt Gaetz is an American HERO!

— Nick Adams (@NickAdamsinUSA) January 13, 2021

Donald Trump is being impeached for being right, Matt Gaetz claims ...

Poll: 91% of Trump voters sticking by him despite Capitol Hill Protest
Not only Trump voters but any American who gives a whit about our most basic freedoms, let alone the Constitution.

In response to this, expect the totalitarian D-bags to crackdown harder.

But know this, we are not going away.

91% of ...

Schumer Heckled By Furious Woman During Press Conference Calling For Trump Removal
Keep it up D-bags. You are recruiting millions to the cause of freedom.

Watch, this is brilliant.

It's only a matter of time before none of these petty little Hitlers will be able to make speeches in public with massive interruptions. ...

McConnell believes impeachment push will help rid President Trump from GOP, Reports say
How are you going to replace President Trump, Mitch? How are you going to get President Trump's fiercely loyal 75, 000 000 voters to vote for the Republican Party in future elections, Mitch? Apparently Senator Mitch McConnell is totally content ...

President Trump supporters flock to MeWe, Gab, and Rumble after Parler goes offline
Millions of Americans are joining the alternative social media platforms, in response to Twitter and Facebook censoring President Trump. Once President Trump migrates to these social media platforms it's game on. That is because millions of ...

Rep. Jim Jordan calls for Liz Cheney to be removed as conference chair
75 million Americans stand with Jordan. It's time to remove the enemies in our own tent.

Jordan calls on Cheney to step down from House leadership

By Juliegrace Brufke, The Hill, January 13, 2020:

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is calling on ...

PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out Violent Seditious Agenda; Says Americans Are ‘F*cking Dumb’ … ‘Go to White House & Throw Molotovs’ … ‘Put [Children] into Re-Education Camps’
Your taxpayer dollars at work not the least of which is financing an unprecedented Democrat coup.

PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out Violent Radical Agenda; Says Americans Are ‘F*cking Dumb’ … ‘Go to White House & Throw Molotovs’ … ...

TYRANTS: Democrats Move To Classify MAGA Rallies As Domestic Terrorist Activity
It's what's behind the “Domestic Terrorism” bill, annihilating political opposition. It's why they stole the election in order to seal the coup (and then accuse those trying to save the Republic as 'insurrectionists.)

Fascist Rule: Democrat ...

Quarter of Americans believe it’s time for U.S. to split into separate red, blue countries
I'm all for a separate new country, “New American Testament” in the spirit of the founding.

Writing in The Federalist, Jesse Kelly in April this year likened America to a couple that can't stop fighting and should get a divorce. Literally. ...

Capitol Hill “Coup” Agitator is Radical Climate Change Activist
Right. Not one of us. But we are supposed to believe this crazy-ass, face-painted loon led an “insurrection” of the only rational, patriotic Americans left in this country. Madness.

Capitol Hill “Coup” Antagonist is Radical Climate ...

Secretary of State Pompeo: Al Qaeda has set up ‘home base’ in Iran, are ‘partners in terrorism’
Beijing Biden vows to restart the Iran nuclear pact. G-d help us.


Al Qaeda No. 2 Leader Is Assassinated by Israel in Iran
Al Qaeda operating in Iran, says report
Iran Admits To Aiding Al-Qaeda and Facilitating 9/11 Jihad ...

America’s 2nd Largest Radio Empire: Stop talking about the 2020 election fraud evidence or get fired!
Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here.

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