Developing and advancing policies that enhance people's freedom.


"They shut down the country for COVID, they shut down your city for BLM, they shut down your news for the election, they shut down your account for your beliefs. "

— Chris Rufo, director of the Center on Wealth & Poverty at Discovery Institute



Private Philanthropy Is the Indispensable Force in the Pandemic

As 2020 came to a close, Congress finally agreed on COVID-19 relief measures—and the president signed them into law—after eight long months of political gridlock that ignored the hardships facing many American families. No one wants to imagine the additional pain Americans would have endured this past year if not for the charitable and private sector groups and individuals who stepped up quickly to support our communities at the onset of the pandemic. Their success, amid so many challenges and unknowns, reminds us why private charity is the best first line of defense and a critical lifeline when disaster strikes. 



Harvard Caves To 'Woke Left', Drops Alum Rep. Elise Stefanik From Board

Harvard proves again that it values political correctness over thought and achievement. Yesterday, Rep. Elise Stefanik, who graduated with honors from Harvard University, was removed from the Senior Advisory Board of Harvard’s Institute of Politics. Stefanik’s response to the removal was courageous

"The decision by Harvard’s administration to cower and cave to the woke Left will continue to erode diversity of thought, public discourse, and ultimately the student experience. The Ivory Tower’s march toward a monoculture of like-minded, intolerant liberal views demonstrates the sneering disdain for everyday Americans and will instill a culture of fear for students who will understand that a conservative viewpoint will not be tolerated and will be silenced." 

Listen to Rep. Elise Stefanik, a smart, courageous woman who won’t be silenced, on She Thinks this Friday (1/15) at 9 a.m. ET.



Are Restaurants Causing COVID Infections?

Once again, formerly thriving restaurants are facing widespread lockdown mandates in states including New York and California. We all want to do what it takes to keep people safe from COVID-19.

So are eateries really the sources of new cases of COVID-19?
Heather Nauert on Her D.C. Career, the Media Landscape, and Productive Dialogue



Take the Cancel Culture Poll

How concerned are you about cancel culture and the systematic silencing and punishment of those with different opinions? 


Woke-Ism’s Intolerance at VOA, MSM, and Big Tech

There’s an increasing assault on freedom of speech today. Conservative voices face efforts to censor and silence free thought from the left, the mainstream media, and increasingly from Big Tech companies. Woke culture has moved from academia to private industry. Former college graduates are now forcing their liberal viewpoints and intolerance of differing opinions on their employers and using cancel culture to enforce their dictates as retribution against those they oppose.

Dems' Latest Climate Change Recommendations Come With a Cost

Democrats in Congress are already marshalling their newfound power to push for increased climate change measures. The House Oversight Environment Subcommittee released climate change recommendations calling for the incoming Biden administration to “increase the social cost of carbon, eliminate support for fossil fuels, and create new tax benefits for clean energy companies.” In the meantime, the domestic policies aimed at curbing carbon emissions will affect Americans who continue to struggle to make ends meet due to the economic lockdowns associated with the pandemic.

Unreasonable Attacks on a Medical Supply Sterilization Chemical

Environmental activists at Beyond Pesticides claim that the administration is trying to push out last-minute policies to protect producers of “toxic chemicals.” But don’t fall for the hype. One of these so-called “toxic chemicals” is ethylene oxide, which is a gas naturally formed by the human body, vegetation, and combustion. It’s also used in consumer products and as a sterilant for about half of all U.S. medical supplies, many of which cannot be sterilized any other way.