BREAKING: The House voted to impeach Trump, now it's up to the Senate to convict.


FIRST: Republicans refused to accept that President-Elect Biden won the election, with some members of the Legislature even traveling to Washington, D.C. to meet with Trump himself and do his bidding.

THEN: State Republicans hosted sham legislative hearings to investigate non-existent voter fraud. They even invited Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani to spread baseless conspiracy theories.

NOW: Those very same Republicans are pretending they had nothing to do with inciting last week's violent attack on our democracy.

That's why the Michigan Democratic Congressional delegation voted to impeach Trump for a second time. But the House vote is only the first step. The Senate must convict.

Trump and his enablers have committed treacherous crimes against our nation and the American people. If you agree, please sign our petition demanding Trump be held accountable.


We cannot let this moment pass or let Trump's insurrection go. The only way to truly unify our country and protect our democracy is to hold him accountable.

No president has ever been impeached twice, and a conviction by the Senate could bar Trump from ever running for office again. Since we can't trust Trump to do what's right for the country, only what's right for himself, Congress will act.

But Congress needs the power and voice of the people behind them. So please, join Michigan Democrats in calling for the impeachment of Trump by adding your name to our petition today.

Thank you for defending our democracy,

Michigan Dems

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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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