
The House just impeached Donald Trump for the second time—a unique feat in the history of our politics.

Now, the Senate must finish the job by voting to convict the President.

We’ve seen the consequences of the Senate failing to find the courage to do their jobs. Less than a year ago, the House impeached this President for abusing his office, yet the Senate decided not to follow the evidence and convict Donald Trump.

We can’t afford to let that happen again. Join us in calling on Mitch McConnell to convene the Senate and convict Trump immediately!

Trump has unleashed chaos on this country. Members of Congress shouldn’t have to live in fear any longer because of this President. The United States Capitol shouldn’t have to be on lockdown in anticipation of a violent attack from a mob of Trump supporters, who have been directly encouraged by the President to undertake their destructive actions.

It’s time for this to end.

Add your name to call on Mitch McConnell and the Senate to convict Trump immediately.


Team Moulton