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View the immigration-expansionist Representatives who were defeated or retired (and Reps with good grades who we lost).


The new cast of characters with whom we must deal the next two years is now seated in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The election results surprised me; the House makeup looks to be a bit more friendly toward our concerns about immigration because of the expansionists who were defeated or retired.

Below are lists of U.S. Representatives who did not return from last year, with the grades they earned for their immigration actions.

The ones shown with grades of D and lower consistently took immigration actions in favor of:

  • more foreign workers,
  • more forced population growth,
  • and LESS enforcement.

The ones with B+ and above consistently took the side of American workers and more enforcement against illegal aliens and the employers who entice them with jobs.

And the ones with grades of D+ through B, alternately acted with each of the other two groups.

If we on the NumbersUSA staff and you as part of the activist network do our jobs well, the change could become significantly more favorable toward the needs of average American workers and their families when it comes to blocking bad immigration legislation. (Constructive improvement will be much more difficult.)

Don't misunderstand me; the challenges will be great and require much effort. We'll talk about all that in future emails.


Here is how to read the letters in the list:

* The 1st grade on the left is for recent immigration actions
* (the 2nd grade) is for actions covering full career in Congress
* (The letter after name) is political Party

Immigration expansionists who aren't making the decisions any more.

F- (F-) Gil Cisneros--CA-39 (D)

F- (F-) TJ Cox--CA-21 (D)

F- (F-) Debbie Mucarsel-Powell--FL-26 (D)

F- (F-) Max Rose--NY-11 (D)

F- (F-) Harley Rouda--CA-48 (D)

F- (F-) Donna Shalala--FL-27 (D)

F- (F-) Xochitl Torres Small--NM-2 (D)

F- (C+) Collin Peterson--MN-7 (D)

D (D) Joe Cunningham--SC-1 (D)

D (D) Abby Finkenauer--IA-1 (D)

Defeated incumbents who had mixed immigration record.

D+ (D+) Kendra Horn--OK-5 (D)

C- (C-) Ben McAdams--UT-4 (D)

Defeated incumbents who usually or always supported lower immigration and more enforcement and protections for American workers

Nobody with that record


Immigration expansionists who aren't making the decisions any more.

F- (D-) Dave Loebsack--IA-2 (D)

Retired incumbents who had mixed immigration record.

B- (B) Justin Amash--MI-3 (L)

Retired incumbents who usually or always supported lower immigration and more enforcement and protections for American workers

B (A-) Rob Woodall--GA-7 (R)

A- (A-) George Holding--NC-2 (R)

A (A+) Mark Walker--NC-6 (R)


F- (F-) Lacy Clay--MO-1 (D)

F- (F-) Eliot Engel--NY-16 (D)

F- (D+) Dan Lipinski--IL-3 (D)

B (B) Denver Riggleman--VA-5 (R)

B (B) Steve Watkins--KS-2 (R)

B (B+) Scott Tipton--CO-3 (R)

A (A) Ross Spano--FL-15 (R)

A+ (A+) Steve King--IA-4 (R)


F- (F) Susan Davis--CA-53 (D)

F- (F) Tulsi Gabbard--HI-2 (D)

F- (F) Denny Heck--WA-10 (D)

F- (F) Joseph Kennedy--MA-4 (D)

F- (F) Nita Lowey--NY-17 (D)

F- (F) Jose Serrano--NY-15 (D)

F- (D) Peter Visclosky--IN-1 (D)

C- (C-) Will Hurd--TX-23 (R)

C- (C) Peter King--NY-2 (R)

C (B-) Paul Mitchell--MI-10 (R)

C (B) John Shimkus--IL-15 (R)

C+ (B-) Susan Brooks--IN-5 (R)

C+ (B) Greg Walden--OR-2 (R)

C+ (B+) Paul Cook--CA-8 (R)

B- (B) Francis Rooney--FL-19 (R)

B (B+) Mac Thornberry--TX-13 (R)

B (A) Pete Olson--TX-22 (R)

B (A) Martha Roby--AL-2 (R)

B+ (B+) Rob Bishop--UT-1 (R)

B+ (A-) Mark Meadows--NC-11 (R)

A- (B+) Mike Conaway--TX-11 (R)

A- (A) Greg Gianforte--MT-1 (R)

A- (A) Bill Flores--TX-17 (R)

A (A) Tom Graves--GA-14 (R)

A (A) Kenny Marchant--TX-24(R)

A (A) Jim Sensenbrenner--WI-5 (R)

A (A+) Duncan Hunter--CA-50 (R)

A (A+) Phil Roe--TN-1 (R)

A+ (A) Doug Collins--GA-9 (R)

A+ (A) Ted Yoho--FL-3 (R)

A+ (A+) Bradley Byrne--AL-1 (R)

A+ (A+) John Ratcliffe--TX-4

Those are very long lists. We have around five dozen brand new Representatives who have never received the NumbersUSA grassroots education treatment.

Those of you who live in their Districts have special responsibilities to the rest of the country.

Nearly all incumbents who were defeated in the General election have been replaced by Representatives who have pledged to be better and sometimes much better on immigration. Those of you who live in their Districts need to respond to all of our opportunities for you to inform those new Representatives about the urgency of acting for immigration reductions.

Believe me, the business lobbyists are already inundating them with requests for more foreign workers (legal and illegal).

Even if you live in Districts where an expansionist incumbent was replaced by an expansionist newcomer, you need to make sure as early as possible that the newcomer is aware of the objection to open-border policies in his/her District. Helping these newcomers feel that a massive amnesty and foreign-worker increase shouldn't be their top priority is an important goal.

Because the freshmen Representatives are not yet fully set up in their offices, we will have to wait another week or so to provide you with free and easy messages to send to them.

Thanks in advance for watching for those Action Alerts.

In the meantime, please go to your Action Board now and make sure you have taken all the actions that you want to take.

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