Join our team

The year ahead of us is brimming with new challenges and opportunities for our country and for our communities. We must act strategically to shape the future for transgender people. The stakes are just too high.

That’s why it is urgent that our team has the best advocates who want to make real, lasting change for trans people.

We are hiring for three positions on our staff, reflecting all of the communities we serve⁠—people who are committed to prioritizing justice for transgender people, especially those who are most marginalized.

We have been making big changes in our hiring process⁠—we have a new diversity statement, an updated equal employment opportunity policy, and a new online applicant portal to streamline the application process. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the hiring processes will take place only over phone and video.

  • Apply now to be our Policy Advocate/Counsel if you want to engage on NCTE’s policy strategies, including federal and state advocacy on critical issues like discrimination, health care, criminal justice, and identity documents. This position is based in Washington, D.C, but no one will be expected to move until it is safe.
  • Join our team as the Community Organizer to if you want to mobilize trans people and allies to fight for change, including with tools like phonebanks, rallies, and voter registration. This position can be anywhere in a 3 to 4 hour range from Washington, D.C.
  • Submit an application to be our Office Assistant if you want to keep everything running smoothly and provide support in finance and operations. This position is based in Washington, D.C, but no one will be expected to move until it is safe.

Full details about all the listed positions, including salaries and our generous benefits package, and how to apply are available on our new jobs page. 

If you think you might be a good fit, we encourage you to apply now!

Are you interested but worried you can’t afford to move to Washington, D.C. or the Northeast region? NCTE offers assistance with moving expenses if you are selected to come join our team.

If you know of someone who might be great in one of these roles, please share far and wide!


NCTE is committed to creating a diverse staff made of people who are hardworking, kind, optimistic and committed to social justice from all segments of transgender and allied communities. Transgender people, including non-binary people, people of color, people who were formerly incarcerated, and people with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.

Read our full EEO and Diversity Statements here.

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National Center for Transgender Equality
1133 19th St. NW, Suite 302, Washington, DC 20036


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