"I recall the words of the great Israeli poet Ehud Manor, when he said 'I can't keep silent. In light of how my country has changed her face, [I] won't quit trying to remind her in her ears. I'll sing my cries until she opens her eyes.'"
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, reciting the words to Ein li Eretz Acheret (I have no other land) on the House floor during the Trump Impeachment proceedings.

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Trumps’ insurrection in Washington: possible in Israel? (January 11, 2021)
Q. How does last Wednesday’s storming of the Capitol in Washington affect Israel?
A. In two primary ways...
Q. And the second context of discussion?
A. ...could this happen here?...
Q. Indeed, even without an Iranian retaliatory provocation or excuse, President Trump could opt to attack Iran’s nuclear infrastructure before leaving office on January 20 . . .
A. This, I submit, is the strategic question of the hour...
Q. Well, could it happen in Israel? What are the Israeli equivalents to Trump, to Washington’s hapless security services, and to the men and women who stormed the Capitol?
A. Haaretz’s Yossi Verter asked on Friday, “How are we different from them? In no way...
Q. So is there really an equivalent in Israeli politics, society, history?
A. Here are three relevant events in contemporary Israeli history...
Q. What’s your bottom-line assessment?
A. Netanyahu, son of a historian, is extremely intelligent. He is undoubtedly aware of the verdict of history on inciters to rebellion against democracy...

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
- Bills, Resolutions and Letters
- Hearings and Markups
- On the Record


Ynet: "The Lie of the 'Young Settlement' that is Annexing Israel"
by Shaqued Morag, Peace Now Executive Director
For about two weeks now, the Hilltop Youth have been raging without restraint and the government remains silent. Why? Because above every rolled-over police car, bleeding policeman and shattered glass shines the headline “Young Settlement.”

APN Condemns West Bank Settlement Push on the Eve of Biden Inauguration
APN joins its Israeli sister organization Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in strongly condemning the Israeli government's decision to advance plans for more settlement construction in the West Bank.

Progressive Israel Network Opposes Codification of IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism
The coalition of 10 pro-Israel organizations, of which APN is a member, released a statement opposing enshrining in domestic law and policy the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism, which has and will be misused and exploited.

Israel Advances Calamitous Settlement in Jerusalem Area
The Ministry of Housing and Israel Land Authority opened the tender (bidding process) for 1,257 housing units to be built in Givat HaMatos.
Peace Now: This is a major blow to the prospects for peace and the possibility of a two-state solution... This tender can still be stopped. We hope that those in this government who still have some sense of responsibility for our future will do what they can to cancel the tender before bids are submitted.

Audio Recordings of Recent APN Webinars
What to Expect from the New Round of Israeli Elections with Tal Schneider
Tal Schneider, one of Israel’s leading political correspondents, analysts and pundits, discusses the Israeli political arena as it heads to the March 23rd general elections, the fourth round in two years.
A New U.S. Approach to Israeli-Palestinian Peace with Daniel Levy
Daniel Levy, President of the US/Middle East Project, is co-author of a recent statement which offers three guiding principles for the Biden administration.
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