California had seven representatives of Congress vote against the results of our free and fair election.


Capitol Police have alerted Congress that there are plans for even more armed insurrections in the next few days.(1)

This comes as no surprise: Why wouldn’t Trump supporters continue to try to seize the seat of government, when there has been no real legal consequence for Trump?

In fact, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) is trying give himself, Donald Trump, and every other member of Congress who incited the riots a free pass for the attempted coup, pressuring the House and Senate to hold off on convicting Trump after today's impeachment vote.

Representatives in Congress who voted against the results of our free and fair election should be held accountable for spreading false information about the election and helping to incite the insurrection at the Capitol. We’re going to use social media, advertising, and our grassroots lobbying power to make sure that these congressmembers don’t get away with it.

Courage California is launching a massive public call to expel the seven seditious California members of Congress who contributed to the riots at the Capitol. Will you donate?

73% of Republicans believe that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll this week.(2) 

There have been numerous recounts and audits in Wisconsin and Michigan. Georgia's secretary of state has given multiple interviews explaining exactly how he knows that Biden won in the state. There is just no proof of widespread fraud. How is it possible that three out of four Republicans believe the election was rigged?

It's because Donald Trump keeps saying the election was stolen, and more than 120 Republican members of Congress voted to support that allegation. And members including Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, and Darrell Issa are using their public platforms to boost these lies.(3,4,5)

With that many people believing that a fraud was perpetrated on them, it is easily foreseeable that some would turn to violence. That’s why we must, we MUST, hold not only Trump accountable, but these seditious seven members of Congress who supported Trump and objected to certifying the Electoral College results(6):

Doug LaMalfa (CA-1)
Jay Obernolte (CA-8)
Devin Nunes (CA-22)
Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)
Mike Garcia (CA-25)
Ken Calvert (CA-42)
Darrell Issa (CA-50)

Courage California is the largest progressive organization in the state, and we are going to leverage that voice to make sure that the seditious seven members of Congress from California suffer political consequences for supporting Trump’s insurrection. We’re organizing our partners and members to demand justice -- will you donate to help ensure that we win?

Yes, I’ll donate to help call on Congress to expel the seven seditious California members of Congress who contributed to the riots at the Capitol.

Yours in the fight for our democracy,

Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Caitlin, Deepthi, Gabby, Jay, Lindsay, LisaMarie, Molly, Raquel, and Scottie (the Courage team)


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