Hey, I emailed you yesterday and wanted to make sure you saw my message — it’s really important.

Last week, Donald Trump incited a violent insurrection against our democracy, it’s critical that we hold him accountable. The House of Representatives will vote on impeachment today, so I could really use your support on this now.

Make sure you read my message and then add your name to my petition demanding Donald Trump be impeached for this unprecedented attack on our democracy.

Add your name

---------- Original message sent on January 12, 2021 ---------

Over the past few weeks, Donald Trump and several Republican leaders have spread misinformation and lies in an attempt to subvert our democracy and overturn the will of the people.

Then, as members of Congress were working to faithfully carry out our constitutional duty to certify the election, we witnessed a disgraceful, violent attack on the U.S. Capitol — a tragic and unprecedented day for our nation.

Let me be perfectly clear: Donald Trump incited this violent insurrection against our democracy — and rather than condemn the attack, he encouraged it.

Donald Trump has broken his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and he is unfit to serve as the Commander-in-chief. That’s why Congress must hold him accountable.

Please, add your name to my petition demanding Donald Trump be impeached. He must be held accountable for this attack on our democracy.

Add your name

I am grateful to those who stood up to protect our democracy and defend the Constitution. And I’m thankful that you are standing by me during this dark moment.

— Tammy