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Congressman Conor Lamb talks Impeachment, Energy in PPI Podcast

PPI President Will Marshall welcomes Congressman Conor Lamb of Pennsylvania's 17th District to the PPI Podcast, just days after Rep. Lamb's dramatic floor speech following the insurrection in the Capitol, in which he lambasted Republicans for supporting the Trump lies that inspired the assault, plus his thoughts on impeaching the president again;

Rep. Lamb shares how he and Biden won their elections in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania, and the critical importance in that state of energy issues -- including Biden's opposition to a ban on natural gas drilling and a balanced approach on energy which helped him return flip Pennsylvania blue.

The conversation shares the need for a new Democratic approach on energy and climate that recognizes that natural gas is speeding the deployment of renewable energy to the grid; and that our goal should be decarbonizing the economy, not abolishing fossil fuels precipitously, which would cost many Pennsylvania and other energy state workers their jobs and damage their economy.

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