If Trump is impeached AND convicted, he can never serve again.


That's how many votes we need to make Donald Trump the only president in American history impeached TWICE.

And we got it! Donald Trump will be impeached TODAY! He'll be shamed as the worst president ever -- and it wouldn't have happened without public outrage and activism.

After the House impeaches Trump, we'll need 67 votes to convict him and ensure he can never run for office again. We're halfway there so far -- 34 senators.

Please sign our new Senate petition: "With Trump impeached, the Senate must CONVICT Trump." Then, check out our Senate Whip Count and call your senators to show support for conviction right now.

Thank you. -- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

#RemoveTrumpNow Sign The Petition

Sign our new Senate petition: "With Trump impeached, the Senate must CONVICT Trump."

Then, call your senators to show support for conviction.



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