We've made space for you to gather and pray to end child sex trafficking!

Due to the amazing response, a 2nd event added Jan 31st!

In response to the overwhelming registrations, we have added a second event for the National Day of Prayer to End Child Sex Trafficking!


Dear John,

The interest has been so tremendous that the first event has sold out and we have added another gathering on January 31 to accommodate those who want to join us in the inspirational event to culminate the 30 Days of Prayer.

Sign up for here for Sunday, January 31
at 1PM Eastern/ 10AM Pacific

We would love to see you at the January 31st event, and encourage you to invite others to sign up with you. The link to share with others is: www.sharedhope.org/30DaysPrayer

As believers in a mighty God, we draw on His word and direct our prayers to the broken world around us, to every child regardless of their circumstance, and to everyone who has suffered through sexual exploitation.Each registrant for the daily emails receives a focused prayer, scriptures from both Old and New Testaments, and action items from Shared Hope's 30-Day Prayer Guide. You may still join the 30 Days of Prayer and invite others.

The event at the end of the month of prayer, is not an end, but is an introduction to continued prayer  and action to end child sex trafficking.

Join us for a brief word of inspiration, stories of God's intervention in the lives of survivors as we move forward into 2021 continuing the fight to end child and youth exploitation.

Pastor Jo Lembo 
Director of Faith Initiatives & National Outreach
Shared Hope International