Jack, We’re setting a goal to raise $1,000 in the next 24 hours to help jump-start the INGP fundraising campaign in 2021.
With the 2020 election cycle now past and a new year upon us, the Indiana Green Party [INGP] is making some long-term plans on how to build our party in the future. Among those plans are as follows:
Each of these requires a significant amount of money and resources, we are respectfully asking you to become a monthly sustaining donor. As a party that prides itself on working for the people and not accepting corporate money, the INGP needs your help, with as little or as much as you are able to offer.
For as little as $20.21 a month, you can help us maintain and expand our political foothold in Indiana and nationwide. To support us all in this fight against the establishment parties, and donate $20.21 a month, please go here.
Interested in helping in other ways?
Thank you for your donation.
Sarah Dillon Chair, INGP Fundraising Committee The Green Party is a people-powered party that refuses to take money from corporations, lobbyists, or super PACs. We rely entirely on people like you for support.
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