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BOOM! Parler SUES Amazon For Antitrust Violations
Parler has filed suit against Amazon for antitrust violation, breach of contract and unlawful business interference. They have asked a  federal judge to order Amazon to reinstate the platform.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You ...

Florida Governor Makes Move to Divest State Funds from Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google and Twitter
I love him. What a man.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. ...

McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses, supports Democrats’ impeachment efforts: report
This scumbag is our Senate Majority leader? Is it any wonder we are where we are?

Apparently the turtle is furious with the President. Has he every been furious with the Democrat party of destruction and hate?

Quick note: Tech giants ...

Democrat-Authoritarians Propose Amendment to Constitution to ABOLISH ELECTORAL COLLEGE
The Democrats insist there was no issue with the 2020 election, so why do they suddenly want to radically change election methods?

The Electoral College was designed specifically to prevent the tyranny of big states over small states, as was ...

Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer Registered as Foreign Agent for China Spy Firm
This is treason. This is party of sedition. Eric Eric Swalwell banging Chinese spy, Fang Fang. Hunter Biden's pecker knee deep in Chinese graft and corruption ….

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, ...

President Trump Calls Impeachment Push a ‘Witch Hunt’ That Stokes Anger
The Democrats mean to destroy every Trump, every MAGA supporter just as Hitler, Mao and Stalin did.

Trump Calls Impeachment Push a ‘Witch Hunt’ That Stokes Anger

By Tom Ozimek, The Epcoh Times, January 12, 2021:

President Donald ...

SNAKE: Liz Cheney says she’ll vote to impeach Trump
Et tu, Cheney? When the party does this to itself, we have no party. This is suicide.

There Was No Revolution – American Thinker.

McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses, supports Democrats' impeachment efforts: report ...

MUST SEE: Antifa Tactics Seen at Jan. 6 Capitol Protest—Interview With War CorrespondentMichael Yon
The big set-up.

We've been badly, badly played.

Having trouble viewing? Go here.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from ...

World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump
Germany is schooling America on freedom of speech……

World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump

Political elites worldwide have criticized big tech companies for banning President Donald Trump from their social ...

Facebook Blacklists All Content Mentioning ‘Stop the Steal’
Goosestepping fascists. They stole it but you can't talk about it.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They ...

LIVE: Trump Visits US–Mexico Border Wall Near Alamo, Texas
LIVE: Trump Visits US–Mexico Border Wall Near Alamo, Texas

— NTD News (@news_ntd) January 12, 2021

BRILLIANT! Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Facebook, Twitter Censorship
Beautiful. Brilliant. Two-thirds of its customers asked for the sites to be blocked.

“There are too many people that have called for us to do one [customer] at a time so we will be blocking [Facebook and Twitter] and any other website that ...

Haters Despicable Reactions to Death of Sheldon Adelson
Totally sick and evil.

Adelson dedicated his life and wealth to empowering the far right in the US and in Israel.

But our collective work—the work of building solidarity, of fighting for freedom and dignity for all—can undo that harm. ...

The Big Set-Up
Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report — ...

Twitter BANS Another 70,000+ Accounts
And Facebook has removed any posts with the phrase 'stop the steal.'

The great purge continues and the Democrat communists haven't even take hold of the levels of power.


Twitter Says They Suspended More Than 70,000 Accounts ...

Great American, Champion for Freedom Sheldon Adelson Passes Away
May his memory be for a blessing. ברוך אתה ה' אלוהינו מלך העולם, דיין האמת.

We have lost a great American hero this morning. He saved this country more than once — his absence is a great void. We shall not see ...

Strong views and ‘close to the boss’: How U.S. envoy to Israel reshaped a conflict
Where was the U.S.-Israel relationship when Ambassador David Friedman took charge in early 2017? It was in crisis. It was unrecognizable. It was decimated after eight years of the anti-Israel Obama administration. When President Trump nominated ...

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