
Yesterday Civil Rights icon and Member of Congress John Lewis spoke and here’s what he said: The future of our democracy is at stake, there comes a time when you have to be moved by the spirit of history to take action to protect and preserve the integrity of our nation.”

Trump’s policies have been fueled by racism and unlimited dark corporate money. He’s been lining his own pockets and those of his billionaire donors at the expense of everyday Americans. He has sold out the very idea of free and fair elections to foreign interests in return for personal and partisan advantage. 

Trump’s actions have clearly demonstrated that an impeachment inquiry is justified and needed. Will you sign our petition immediately? >>>

Trump has completely sold out our country to enrich himself and his billionaire donors.

His actions in pressuring Ukraine simply demonstrate that he will always look out for himself over our country.

Make no mistake, Trump is an outcome of our corrupt system. Our democracy has been contaminated by toxic campaign cash and racism. Until we address those problems we won’t truly fix our democracy.

But Trump MUST be held accountable. Impeachment will lead to investigations that will help us hold Trump accountable. We must demonstrate that there are consequences for selling our country out. 

Sign our petition now.

Thank you for all you do,


MAYDAY America


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