Anglicans Believe:
A pamphlet series for Episcopal parishes
The Living Church is pleased to announce the release of a new teaching tool for congregations: the Anglicans Believe collection of pamphlets.
Anglicans Believe is a collection of pamphlets developed by the editors and contributing writers of The Living Church for use as a teaching tool with Episcopal congregations. The collection is focused on classic topics of Anglican theology, such as faith, prayer, and the Eucharist.
Each six-panel pamphlet draws on the faith of the historic creeds and is well grounded in Scripture, in our shared prayer books, and in the insights of major theologians from the early Church to the present day.
This series has been written with the needs of Episcopal parishes in mind and can be put in the hands of newcomers, those preparing for baptism and confirmation, or anyone interested in deepening their faith. The back panel includes space for adding parish contact information.
Choose from 12 different topics: Pamphlets are sold in packages of 50 copies for $24.95 each. Order now and your copies will arrive in four to six weeks.
Read a Sample: You can download a sample copy of each title by clicking the title on the order page (a new tab will open with a PDF of the entire pamphlet, which you can then download or print) or, order a Sampler Pack for just $5.95, and we’ll send you one of each pamphlet.
Just some of the titles in the Anglicans Believe series:
God the Holy Trinity
Who is God? Who are Christians talking about when they speak of the Trinity? This pamphlet outlines the basics of Trinitarian faith, by exploring the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles Creed, all in the context of key biblical passages like Matthew 28, Romans 8, and Hebrews 1. We are all baptized into the name of the Trinity: “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
The Bible
The Bible is a diverse collection of 66 books written over the course of over 6000 years. But what is it for, and how do Anglican Christians read it? This pamphlet addresses this question by considering the famous prayer of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, which calls us to “hear” the Scripture, to “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life.”
God is the creator, who made all things out of nothing. Before God, there was neither time nor space. This creation of God is very good, though it has been marred by human sinfulness. This pamphlet considers how, through the beauty and order of creation, we can behold something of God’s majesty and eternal character.