His actions after were a radical break from and rejection of the violence.

Andy Kim's actions after the insurrection were a radical break from -- and rejection of -- the violence.

Donate to re-elect Andy Kim here.

Thank you Congressman Andy Kim

Hours after white supremacists left the Capitol last week, progressive Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) walked through the mess in the Capitol rotunda and was heartbroken.

NBC News reports "For the next hour and a half, Andy Kim crouched down and filled a half dozen trash bags with debris...Then he returned to the House floor to debate Pennsylvania's vote count, a session that lasted until 3 a.m."

Andy Kim is the kind of decent human we need in Congress. He was our first endorsement of 2018, attended our candidate training, and flipped a red district by 1%.

Can you say thanks to Andy by donating to his re-election in a swing district today?

NBC continues:

"By Thursday evening, he’d been awake for more than 36 hours."

"On a day in which video of mayhem and bloodshed inundated social media, a widely shared photograph of Kim, alone on his knees, picking up the final pieces of garbage in a nearly empty rotunda, was a radical break from -- and rejection of -- the violent impulses that drove the country to the brink of collapse."

Click here to say thanks to Andy.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)








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