Last week, Donald Trump and dozens of his traitorous collaborators in the House and Senate spread lies to openly encourage an insurrection against American democracy. Let us be clear: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and every other Republican who voted to undermine the sovereign will of the American people are unpatriotic traitors who belong in a jail cell — not in positions of public service.
John, your pressure allowed Democrats to move forward quickly with impeachment. With the vote coming up soon, will you click here to demand that every member of Congress put America first by voting to impeach Donald Trump?
Beyond pressuring Congress to impeach, Our Revolution groups around the country have been actively demonstrating outside the offices of members of Congress and local elected officials who voted against ratifying what was a fair election or actively participated in the attack on the U.S. Capitol. These unpatriotic cowards are trying to slither their way out of trouble by disingenuously asking for the country to move forward in the name of “unity.” The truth is that the traitorous and terroristic conduct of last week’s coup can not be negotiated with. It must be struck down swiftly to send a message that our democracy can not be assaulted without grave consequences. Sign here to demand the removal of Donald Trump and every GOP collaborator who worked with him to undermine faith in our elections!

Thank you for defending democracy, The whole team at Our Revolution 