So far on the panel is Phillip Blond, Director of ResPublica think tank; Eric Lonergan, Fund Manager M&G Investments; James Vaccoro, Special Advisor to Triodos Bank; and Executive Director of Positive Money Fran Boait. Between now and Monday, we’ll read through all the questions you submit and put as many to the panel as we can!
Last week we held a packed-out event at the Labour Party Conference. What made our event stand out was the fact we brought the voices of hundreds of keen supporters from all over the country. [2]
Because together we know that more than ten years after the crash; banks are still too-big-too-fail and branches are closing left, right and centre. It’s obvious our banking system is failing, but we need Conservatives to realise this too, and the more voices they hear from the louder that message will be.
Our audience isn’t just the people who make it into the room on Monday, but the thousands of Positive Money heroes around the UK. By supporting our work day in and day out, you’re pushing for a better money and banking system for everyone and asking the people in power to listen. Bit by bit, together we’re making our system fairer and more democratic. pan>
Positive Money has and always will be about people power. John, please will you make sure we represent as many voices as possible on Monday and submit a question now?