
Tonight, I am voting in favor of a resolution to call on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. Tomorrow, I will vote for an article of impeachment against Donald Trump -- for the second time.

Donald Trump is a deeply unstable, violent man. He incited a violent attack, based on lies, on our Capitol last Wednesday. His peddling of disinformation is deadly. And while Twitter and Facebook have been taken away, his stronghold on many in Congress and extremists across the country remains. There is no limit to the damage he can inflict. We need to act now.

I need your help to make sure that he never holds office again and is held accountable for inciting insurrection. If you support the removal of Trump, add your name NOW.

Last year, I upheld the rule of law as an impeachment manager who prosecuted the case against Donald Trump. During the trial, we asked the question: how much more damage can Trump do? And we now see that effect from many of my colleagues refusing to break the partisan gridlock for the sake of our democracy.

Right now, every member of Congress is again confronted with a choice. Do we side with the Constitution or do we side with a party and surrender to self-interest and partisanship? For me, the answer to this question is easy. Upholding American democracy has always been my top priority. Insurrection and treason is a crime, not a political debate. But some congressional Republicans are struggling with this fundamental truth, and they need to end their dangerous enabling.

Our democracy exists only because people stand up and fight for it. Sometimes at great personal expense. There is no process of healing without accountability and taking responsibility. Period.

Send a message that the People want to see Trump held accountable. Add your name next to mine now.

Thank you,

Jason Crow

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Aurora, CO 80041-2145