Almost two weeks ago, we bid farewell to 2020 — perhaps one of the most difficult years in modern history. Yesterday, LAUSD welcomed the start of its second semester of the school year and third term of virtual learning. These new beginnings come at a time when healthcare workers across America are receiving their first (and second) doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, planting a seed of hope that spring will bring good news and some much-needed relief.
The end of the year left us feeling incredibly grateful for the amazing community at Fulfillment Fund, from our students to amazing partners and determined donors and supporters. Over 285 of you answered the call to help us protect our students’ dreams of pursuing higher education, surpassing our fundraising goals and exceeding last year’s End of Year campaign.
The new year is arriving with renewed energy. It’s a time of reflection and growth, and, for many, change. This is no different at Fulfillment Fund. We’re improving our ability to reach our students and refining the ways we support them in this virtual environment. What remains an important constant is that while we’re continuing to adapt, our resolve is to remain by our students’ side.
This month, we are also welcoming Rachel Livingston as Vice President of Programs. An education leader with 25 years of experience at the K-12 grade levels, her work as a lifelong educator has been focused on building college counseling access programs that provide support and resources for underrepresented youth — in particular first-generation college students such as our own.
We are thrilled to start the new year with this important addition to our team and look forward to sharing our milestones and successes in supporting our students’ pathway to college!
 Thankful for Community
Despite incredible challenges in 2020, our Fulfillment Fund community banded together — even from a distance — to ensure our students continue to receive the support they need on their journeys through high school, college, and beyond. We are humbled by the extraordinary resolve and tenacity of our community. Read more.
 Fulfillment Fund Scholarships
The call for Fulfillment Fund scholars is now open. As many might know, we have a small committee that reviews these scholarship applications to help select next year’s recipients of the award. If you are interested in helping us during this process, please contact Ali Meisel for more information.
 A Shorter FAFSA
Before the holidays, Congress announced several measures to improve access to higher education for marginalized students, students of color, and schools that serve them. The biggest changes are the revisions made to FAFSA, which will undoubtedly benefit the many low-income and first-generation students we serve. Read more.
 Upcoming Student Events
Check out our calendar of virtual events and webinars for students this semester. They’ll have the opportunity to engage with college recruiters and reps, as well as participate in mock interviews with HR professionals at major companies like PwC, and much more. Click here to see our schedule.
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6100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 600, Los Angeles, CA 90048