From ALIPAC <[email protected]>
Subject Beijing Biden's mass Amnesty conservative knockout plan
Date January 12, 2021 9:53 PM
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Democrats plan to move swiftly

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ALIPAC Activists,

-- OUR BEST CHANCE OF STOPPING NEW AMNESTY LEGISLATION WILL BE WITH A GOP FILIBUSTER IN THE US SENATE.-- We need everyone to understand what Cloture votes (View Here ([link removed][UNIQID]) ) are.

We are now receiving more details about how Beijing Biden plans to try to pass mass Amnesty legislation ([link removed][UNIQID]) , which will give Democrats an additional 20+ million voters to dominate and persecute the rest of America forevermore.

In his own words “I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America ([link removed][UNIQID]) ,” Biden told NBC Nightly News.

First, we expect Biden to do as much as he can by executive fiat. He will likely restore and expand DACA Amnesty immediately and move to gut funding for border security and interior enforcement.

We will oppose this and call on him to stop, but our voices will likely fall upon deaf ears.

Second, they will try to get Amnesty through via legislation.

They may try to sneak immigration provisions into budget bills, which is against the rules.

Third, they will move to pass new Amnesty legislation through the US House as described by Breitbart News.

Report: Joe Biden Advisers Plot Immigration Agenda with House Democrats
[link removed][UNIQID] ([link removed][UNIQID])

While we plan to fight them every inch of the way, and we plan to come up with new strategies to combine with our past strategies that worked to stop Amnesty before, OUR BEST CHANCE OF STOPPING NEW AMNESTY LEGISLATION WILL BE WITH A GOP FILIBUSTER IN THE US SENATE.

We need all of our supporters to know what a Cloture ([link removed][UNIQID]) vote is where Amnesty backers will need 60 votes in the Senate to invoke Cloture (A motion to proceed to a formal vote) and then 50 votes to pass it to Biden's desk.

Unfortunately, there are many sellout, Globalist, RINO, Amnesty supporting Republicans in the US Senate who will strive and connive to join the Democrats on Amnesty.

Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Thom Tillis and Richard Burr (R-NC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), and others can give the Democrats the additional 10+ votes they need to radically transform America with tens of millions of illegals given things like...

...Citizenship, voting rights, welfare, licenses, in-state tuition, healthcare, jobs, badges, guns, titles, and positions of authority over US citizens like us and our descendants.

The Democrats plan to move swiftly because they know that every day or week we can delay them from passing these Amnesty measures as we approach the 2022 elections, their chances of winning decrease.

Please take the time to study and understand.

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

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