
I’ve known Seth for a while now, and one thing that’s clear is how much he values public service. That’s how he sees his role in Congress and how he saw his time in the United States Marine Corps—as commitments to serving something greater than himself. He reveres our American values and believes in the power of our democracy, sentiments I know you share.

That’s why Seth has been so vocal about removing Donald Trump from office. He knows how dangerous it would be for America to not hold this president accountable for leading an attack against the Capitol and undermining the peaceful transfer of power.

Many of you have already added your name. But before midnight, we’re looking for another 1,000 signatures on our national petition calling for the immediate removal of Donald Trump from office.


We can’t afford to do nothing. We need to hold Trump accountable.




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Sign the petition: All federal officials with the Constitutional power to remove Trump from office must do so immediately.


Last week, our democracy was violently attacked from within. Drunk on conspiracy theories peddled by Republicans and egged on by Donald Trump, a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol and left five people dead.

Trump is backed into a corner right now, and there’s no telling what a man like him will do with his final days in office. Even more importantly, to give him a pass because he’s on the way out of office would set the precedent that lame-duck presidents can do whatever they want without consequences in their final days.

We can’t allow that to happen. He must be held accountable.

Add your name: All federal officials with the Constitutional power to remove Trump from office must do so immediately.


Trump knew what he was doing. Even while the attack on the Capitol was underway, reports point to a gleeful and giddy Trump—he was charmed by the fact his supporters would commit violence on his behalf. He even told them he would march to the Capitol with them before disappearing into the safety of the White House.

If the 25th Amendment isn’t invoked immediately, the House must move to impeach and the Senate must convict.

Thanks for all you do,

Team Moulton