Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal and Bonnie Watson-Coleman did not deserve this -- and they are furious too.

I'm outraged that two of my colleagues have COVID because House Republican refused to wear a mask while we sheltered in place during last week's insurrection.

Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal and Bonnie Watson-Coleman did not deserve this -- and they are furious too.

There is now video of Democratic Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester rising to the occasion and offering masks to Republicans. You can see them selfishly say no.

Watch the video here and sign on to Pramila Jayapal's call to action: "Any Member who refuses to wear a mask should be fully held accountable for endangering our lives because of their selfish idiocy. I'm calling for every single Member who refuses to wear a mask in the Capitol to be fined and removed from the floor by the Sergeant at Arms." Sign the petition saying you agree.

Watch video of Barbara Lee outraged over Republicans for giving colleagues COVID.

This is a moment for accountability. I'm adding my voice. Please continue to add yours.

-- Congresswoman Barbara Lee




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