Dear Friend,
For more than two years, American Muslims have been fighting to have their voices heard. Yesterday, Congress finally listened.
In a historic hearing held by the U.S. House of Representatives on Trump’s Muslim Ban, Congress heard from victims of the ban, including our client Ismail Alghazali, and government officials, who attempted to defend the ban. I also had the honor and privilege of testifying to explain the path forward for Congress to act and remove religious bigotry from our immigration system -- for good.
Click here to watch our testimony.
Since the Muslim Ban went into full effect in December 2017, thousands of Americans have been separated from their loved ones who are nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria or Yemen -- family members who have missed births, graduations and weddings; husbands separated from their wives; parents separated from their children.
I want you to know that a hearing like this doesn’t just happen by chance or by simply having allies in Congress. Rather, it is the culmination of more than a year of work led by the Muslim Advocates team and our coalition partners working with key members of Congress and their staff to craft this important hearing in a way so that it would successfully shed a bright spotlight on the President’s deeply bigoted policy that has kept families apart for too long.
As Ismail bravely testified before Congress, he shared his heart-wrenching story of being separated from his family, and I’d like to share a small excerpt with you:
“I’ve never met my 5-month old daughter. I’ve only seen her in photos and videos. I do not have words to express the love I carry in my heart for my wife and kids... we have been separated by thousands of miles because of the Muslim Ban.”
So where do we go from here?
In April, Congress introduced the NO BAN Act, a bill that would immediately end the Muslim Ban and amend federal law to prevent a president from enacting a discriminatory ban like this again in the future. A hearing in Congress is part of the legislative process and a crucial step toward passage of the bill in the House.
In partnership with dozens of our NO BAN Act coalition members, which include a diverse array of civil rights, faith, immigrant rights and refugee organizations, we have now secured 179 cosponsors to the bill. We need 218 to win passage in the House.
With this hearing, we are building momentum for support of the bill and eventually a vote in the House. Will you donate to help keep our momentum going and help us win full House passage?
Without donors like you, yesterday could not have happened at all or as well as it went. Your gift supports our talented team of lawyers, policy experts and communications and public advocates who are working tirelessly to advance this bill and bring immediate relief to thousands of families devastated by the Muslim Ban. Your support ensures that American Muslims can lead and literally be at the table as Congress takes action on the Muslim Ban.
Please give generously to help us reunite countless families like Ismail’s who have been separated by this bigoted policy. We are in this together. And together we will end Trump’s Muslim Ban.
With deep gratitude,
Farhana Khera
Executive Director
Muslim Advocates

P.S. Click here to read the written testimony and view the video from the hearing.