VDARE TV’s “Greatest Hits; Race-Denying “Jena Declaration” More Evidence Science Entering the New Dark AgeThe Great Replacement Comes to Marvel; etc. (51 items, 09/24/2019)


Our most-viewed article this week: Paul Kersey on another absurd moment in congress: Democrats Refuse To Use Red Flag Laws On Gang Databases, Because Racism. Rep. Nadler offers the ignorant suggestion that anyone could be on the gang list for doodling the number “13." But is the definition of “white nationalist” any more rigorous? Not when the MSM calls any patriot a “white nationalist” including Michele Malkin.


“A Catholic Reader Reproves Matthew Schmitz For Weird Belief That ‘Catholic Migrants From Central America’ = Pilgrim Fathers” was our second most viewed post, in part I’m sure thanks to Matthew Schmitz’s reaction to polite criticism. To adapt Ann Coulter, what a “girly-boy!”


Speaking of Ann Coulter, third-place is occupied by “Ann Coulter On Kavanaugh Smear: Penis Story Collapses In Flaccid Hearsay.” This latest scandal has only one flaw: The victim does not remember it. Oops!


Washington Watcher II takes fourth place with French-Sohrab Amari “Debate.” While Ahmari acknowledges that Conservatism Inc. failed, their argument ignores the core issue gripping legacy Americans: “demographics, immigration, and the future of the Historic American Nation.”


To round out our top five is Peter Brimelow’s obituary of Cokie Roberts- a real scalawag by the traditional definition. She once said, “We have nothing binding us together as a nation—no common ethnicity, history, religion or even language—except the Constitution and the institutions it created.”

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