
On January 3rd, I was sworn in to represent Colorado in the United States Senate. Three days later, I was hunkering in a secure location in the U.S. Capitol’s basement, texting my wife, Robin, that I was okay.

Last Wednesday was a sad and dark day for our country as pro-Trump terrorists — waving confederate flags, wearing anti-Semitic clothing, and hanging nooses — stormed our streets and broke into the Capitol, demanding we overturn the results of the presidential election.

And do you know how our president responded? He called them “very special” and continued to make false claims that this election was rigged. It’s dangerous, despicable, and downright disturbing.

For the past four years, Trump has fanned the flames of hatred, spread dangerous conspiracy theories, and attempted to undermine our democracy. That ends now.

The American people made their voices heard. President Trump is on his way out, but I support any option that could remove him from power faster and take away the media spotlight he so desperately craves. So, I’m turning to you:

Donald Trump and his enablers have committed treacherous crimes against our nation and the American people. If you agree, please sign my petition demanding Donald Trump be held accountable.


America is so much better than this. The rioters who assaulted the symbolic heart of our nation’s government are not reflective of our country’s spirit.

But they are a frightening harbinger of what could come if we don’t fix our deep-rooted problems. We are the guardians of this fragile democracy and its endurance rests on our shoulders.

I promise to always fight for the best of America. Thank you for fighting alongside me.

— John