Dear John,

Take action to get toxic pesticides out of our food system, and safeguard people and the planet. Donate now!

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More and more pollinators are hurtling toward extinction. From monarch butterflies to bees, these vital creatures are dying at unprecedented rates. This year, we are ramping up our work to get pollinator-toxic pesticides off store shelves and out of our food system, but we need your help. Help save pollinators from toxic pesticides -- Rush a $10 donation to Friends of the Earth.

The decline of pollinators harms both our food system and our planet. Bees pollinate the crops we rely on for food -- one in every three bites of food we eat depends on bees and other pollinators.

Toxic pesticides -- like Bayer-Monsanto’s neonicotinoids -- are a major driver of bee die-offs. So, we’re pushing Kroger, the largest traditional grocery company in the country, to stop selling food grown with bee-toxic pesticides. The company has been dragging its feet, so we’re sending a message straight to its CEO by installing a massive billboard close to Kroger’s headquarters, highlighting its role in the pollinator die-off, and demanding it take the action that science -- and bees  -- require.

Tell Kroger to stop selling bee-killing pesticides -- Support Friends of the Earth with a $10 gift.

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40% of wild invertebrate pollinators are already on the brink of extinction. Butterflies, bees, moths -- many pollinators that were once abundant are now disappearing. If we don’t take urgent action in 2021, it will only get worse.

We are already seeing the impact of pollinator declines on food production. Crops like blueberries, cherries, and apples all suffer from the lack of bees.

And we’re at risk too. These dangerous pesticides are so prevalent in our food products, that many of us eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Glyphosate -- the key ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup -- has been linked with cancer, endocrine disruption, DNA damage, decreased sperm function, disruption of the gut microbiome and fatty liver disease. In short, we don’t want to be eating the stuff.

By pushing retailers to stop selling these products, we can save bees and other pollinators, preserve our food system, and safeguard our own health, all at the same time.

Take action to get toxic pesticides out of our food system, and safeguard people and the planet. Donate $10 to Friends of the Earth today.

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With your help, John we are turning the tide in the fight to save pollinators. We’ve won statewide pesticide bans. We’ve built support for game-changing national legislation like The Save America’s Pollinators Act and the Ban Toxic Pesticides Act. We’ve pushed most of the garden industry to stop selling toxic pesticides.

Now it’s Kroger’s turn.

After three years of campaigning driven by Friends of the Earth members like you -- including lab testing that exposed toxic pesticides in retail brand foods targeted to children -- Kroger committed to a better pesticide policy. But it didn’t go nearly far enough. As bees continue to die at alarming rates, we have to keep the pressure on.

As the largest traditional grocery chain in the U.S., Kroger has the ability to make our food system healthier and safer for pollinators -- and all of us. But it will take a groundswell of outrage from consumers like you to pressure Kroger to improve its pollinator and pesticide policy.

We’ve seen time and again that when we organize, people power can force even corporate giants like Kroger to make the changes we need. This is what Friends of the Earth is built for. With your help, we will get toxic pesticides out of our food system and save the bees for future generations.

I know you believe in holding corporations accountable, saving pollinators, and protecting our food system. Please support Friends of the Earth with a donation.

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Thank you,
Lisa Archer,
Food and agriculture program director,
Friends of the Earth
