For those of you not currently on Twitter or those who have been banned, here are Don Blankenship's tweets from yesterday:
The reason millions of Americans support President Trump has reached a new level of clarity.
The reason it’s more clear why Americans support Trump is because Americans know that you can tell a lot about who a person really stands with, by who stands against that person.
Americans have learned that the big tech firms are international, not American companies. That the press lies to them. And that Congress and both political parties are corrupt.
Since most Americans now see more clearly than ever that big tech, the press, both political parties, and Congress stand against Trump, it is clear to Americans that President Trump stands with them.
The Constitution Party wants all Americans to know that it too stands with them. We stand with Americans by standing against multi-national company interference in our free speech, against corruption by both political parties, against a lying Press, and against unfair elections.
We welcome all Americans to stand with us in the Constitution Party. We will stand with you for the Constitution, for a free America, for free speech, for American companies, for American jobs, and for fair elections.
In God we trust, in Congress we do not.