January 12, 2021
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Steve A. Stone
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January 12, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

January 12, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

January 12, 2021
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Time to get out the ledger. On the left—literally—we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:... (more)

January 12, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? On top of liberal media bias that has become outright dishonest journalism and propaganda, so-called "fact checkers" on the right have emerged, attacking other conservatives. A so-called fact checker with The Dispatch is Alec Dent, a graduate of the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC Chapel Hill who is apparently pictured above his name on the site in front of what appear to be bottles of hard liquor.... (more)

January 12, 2021
GINA MILLER ? Second to Israel, the United States of America has been the greatest nation-gift from God to this lost and dying world. It was founded on righteous principles of government from God's Word, and reliance on the Lord by men who knew that our true rights and freedoms are given only by God, not governments of corruptible men.... (more)

January 11, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? President Donald Trump on Monday approved the District of Columbia's emergency declaration after a request by Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser. "Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the District of Columbia and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the District's response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from the 59th Presidential Inauguration from January 11 to January 24, 2021," a White House statement on Jan. 11 reads.... (more)

January 11, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? The United States is still making sense of what took place on Jan 6 at Capitol Hill in Washington, and among the accusations has been that the radical organization Antifa was involved at the protests. To learn more about this we've invited to speak with us Michael Yon, a war correspondent who has attended hundreds of protests, and who has deep insights into Antifa and their tactics.... (more)

January 11, 2021
The storyline that voting fraud claims are "baseless" is debunked by well documented evidence
JUST THE NEWS ? Depending on the social circles and news sources one fancies, the 2020 election was either hijacked by fraud and irregularities, or so well run that its outcome is not in doubt and any claims to the contrary are, in the words of some reporters, "baseless."... (more)

January 11, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? Parler founder and CEO John Matze said his company is "prepared to take full legal action" after several big tech companies suspended the social media network from their services, according to an email. John Matze, Parler's founder, told The Epoch Times in an email that he believes Apple, Google, and Amazon had acted in bad faith and that the social media platform is considering legal action.... (more)

January 10, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? John Sullivan, videographer and founder of "a group for racial justice and police reform," posted a video on YouTube on Jan. 7 that shows him entering the Capitol building in Washington with a group of Trump supporters and possibly others on the previous day. He's heard on video encouraging others and convincing Capitol police to let the trespassers through at several impasses. The video also reveals further details about the situation that led to the death of Ashley Babbitt, an Air Force veteran shot inside the building by Capitol Police.... (more)

January 10, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? Mere hours after Twitter permanently banished President Donald Trump's personal account, @RealDonaldTrump, and then suspended the other account available to the president of the United States of America, @POTUS, Rush Limbaugh left Twitter. Vanished. The iconic radio host has had a presence on Twitter for years, but recently set up a new account that he actively used in the months leading to the election.... (more)

January 9, 2021
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? The U.S Capitol Police rejected National Guard and FBI assistance in the days and hours leading up to a massive Capitol security breach carried out by protestors and rioters. Days before the event, the Pentagon asked the U.S Capitol Police if it needed National Guard manpower, but the offer was declined. Additionally, as the mob descended upon the Capitol, Capitol Police rejected an offer of FBI support from Justice Department leaders, but both offers were turned down according to Associated Press sources.... (more)

January 9, 2021
WESTERN JOURNAL ? Despite a campaign by Democrats and the establishment media to delegitimize President Donald Trump after Wednesday's Capitol incursion, Department of Defense officials intend to avoid outside pressure and continue to recognize him as the commander in chief while avoiding taking part in "a military coup," according to a report.... (more)

January 9, 2021
NEWSMAX TV ? Sometimes the bank robber gets away with it. Joe Biden stole this election. You know it. I know it. Tens of millions of Americans agree with us. He did it. Donald Trump should not concede, because he didn't lose. Joe Biden got away with the steal.... (more)

January 9, 2021
RUMBLE ? In the new Iron Curtain of censorship, the repetition of the narrative is almost word for word identical on ABC, CBS, NBC, some days now even Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post – all the papers – as if they're the organ of the Democratic Party.... (more)

January 8, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Some of the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol were fired from their jobs on Thursday after internet sleuths publicized their identities. The District of Columbia police department released photos of people in Wednesday's melee and potential charges against them. Some 68 people were arrested after angry protesters stormed the building, breaking windows, damaging fixtures and stealing furnishings.... (more)

January 7, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told Newsmax TV on Friday that President Donald Trump cannot be held "responsible for the acts that someone else has done," when it comes to the riot at the Capitol on Wednesday.... (more)

January 7, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? The Daily Caller, co-founded by Tucker Carlson and still associated with him through fundraising devices (selling Tucker Carlson coffee mugs), has run an "editorial" from its "editorial board," entitled "Patriots Do Not Storm Their Nation's Capitol." This is their way of rising above the pro-Trump deplorables who assembled in Washington on Wednesday. But the editorial failed to emphasize the significance of the U.S. Capitol Police murdering a U.S. military veteran and Trump supporter in cold blood.... (more)

January 6, 2021
John Eastman says he did not ask VP to decide presidential election
ART MOORE ? President Trump's constitutional lawyer John Eastman said late Wednesday afternoon that Vice President Mike Pence misrepresented what he was being asked to do when he presided over the certification of the Electoral College votes. "I think he's exaggerating what the request was," said Eastman in an interview with Steve Bannon on "War Room."... (more)

January 6, 2021
...led by a few bad actors
YOUTUBE ? Rob Schmitt of Newsmax TV analyzes the swarming of the Capitol building June 6, apparently by numerous Trump supporters led by "a few bad actors," and talks with RNC spokesperson Liz Herrington and others about the events of the day.... (more)

January 6, 2021
America as a vassal state of the New World Order is exactly what?s at stake in our stolen election
CHERIE ZASLAWSKY ? How did you like life in 2020 America? That's an important question, because if the Dems' blatant theft of our election is not overturned and Biden manages to lurch into office, 2020 will soon start looking good.... (more)

January 5, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Democrat Raphael Warnock edged ahead of incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler in one of Georgia's two Senate runoffs on Tuesday, and by late Tuesday night he was the projected winner in half of a runoff battle that'll determine which party controls the Senate under a new Biden administration.... (more)

January 5, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Vice President Mike Pence will perform his duties admirably Wednesday when he oversees the Electoral College certification, according to Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, on Newsmax TV. "I have not talked to anyone regarding [Pence's plans]," Babin told host Chris Salcedo Tuesday on The Chris Salcedo Show. "I did meet with the vice president last week at the White House with a number of us planning to do this and object to these numbers. The president and vice president were there.... (more)

January 5, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY ? Letters are being circulated among state legislators in four swing states asking that Vice President Mike Pence pause the process of counting electoral votes pending further investigation and litigation into voting irregularities, The Western Journal has learned.... (more)

January 5, 2021
WH adviser Navarro: ?We're going to see some backbone tomorrow, or this republic is going to perish?
ART MOORE ? On the eve of the joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 Electoral College vote, Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert explained why he is one at least 140 Congress members who will join at least 13 senators in objecting to slates of electors in battleground states.... (more)

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