We’re in full-blown impeachment mode, John.
We've been demanding Congress impeach Trump since 2017 after he fired Comey. But now that Trump has straight up admitted to working with a foreign power to influence the next presidential election too, the stakes are even higher.
That’s why Nancy Pelosi finally opened a formal inquiry into impeachment yesterday.
But here’s the thing -- Congress is scheduled to go on recess next week. That means impeachment starts and immediately goes on hold. Hearings, discussions, debates -- they’ll all be delayed, momentum will stop, and the news cycle will move on to something else. Many Americans will think yesterday's press conference was a stunt and not a real commitment to get it done.
National security can’t wait. Tell Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing and cancel recess so the impeachment inquiry against Trump can proceed full speed ahead.
DFA members will never stop fighting to make sure this corrupt sham of a president is impeached and no longer in office. For too long, Trump has made a mockery of our laws, democracy, and country.
Look, we get it. Impeaching a president isn't easy. But doing what’s right isn’t always easy. People are counting on us to do whatever it takes to kick Trump out of office.
No one wants Democrats to leave town immediately after announcing the official inquiry, especially when we have proof -- because he admitted it publicly -- that Trump is actively compromising national security by abusing his powers to get at least one foreign government, and who knows how many others, to interfere in the 2020 election.
Together, we pressured a majority of House Democrats to support impeachment. Together, we convinced Nancy Pelosi to begin impeachment. Our voices are stronger when we’re together. Sign our petition now demanding Nancy Pelosi cancel recess next week and jumpstart impeachment proceedings immediately.
Our country has reached a tipping point, John. Make sure Democrats show America that we understand just how urgent this threat is and stand on the right side of history to protect national security without delays.
Thanks for taking action,
Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America