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In an open letter to the First Minister, the group of leaders accuse the Scottish Government of "failing" to understand that Christian worship is an "essential public service".
Anthony Costello, a professor of global health at UCL and a former WHO director, said: "We should have no nurseries open, no synagogues, no churches, no mosques."
Churches had been faced with an "impossible, unfair and unsustainable dilemma", and critical public-health decisions had, in effect, been outsourced to local churches, the Bishop of Burnley said.
The trial of three Polish activists accused of "offending religious beliefs" will start on Wednesday, according to LGBT+ rights organisation ILGA-Europe, and could result in each one being jailed for up to two years.
Argentina has announced it will drop criminal charges against women accused of having abortions following the government's historic decision to legalise the procedure.
A recent Twitter row between two prominent British writers has made it explicit how and why the misuse of the term 'Islamophobia' has reduced it to a tool to censor unwanted and opposing views, says Khadija Khan.
We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital skills. The application deadline is 5pm, 18 January 2021.
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